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DNA-Spur überführt Juwelier-Räuber nach 13 Jahren

Essen. Vor Gericht: Ein Mann, der vor 13 Jahren einen Juwelier in Holsterhausen überfallen haben soll. Die DNA-Spur tauchte vor einem Jahr zufällig auf. ….


Paris : ils braquent une bijouterie en scooter

C’est un braquage express. Vendredi peu avant midi, deux hommes juchés sur un scooter s’arrêtent devant une bijouterie de la place Saint-Placide, dans le 6e arrondissement de Paris. Le passager descend et à l’aide d’une masse brise la vitrine. Il s’empare des bijoux exposés et prend la fuite avec son complice sur le scooter signalé volé. …..


Überfall auf Konzer Juwelier – Polizei fahndet nach Schmuckräubern

Konz. Zwei Männer haben am Freitagmorgen mitten in der Konzer Innenstadt ein Juweliergeschäft überfallen. Sie haben dabei zwei Mitarbeiterinnen mit einer Pistole bedroht. Die Ermittler suchen Zeugen. ….


Suisse : Braquage à Vevey, quatre suspects interpellés

Quatre hommes ont été interpellés ce mardi pour un brigandage à main armée dans une bijouterie à Vevey. Une grande partie du butin a pu être récupérée.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Fur coats worth €121,000 stolen from Ayia Napa shop

Fur coats and jackets worth €121,000  were stolen from an Ayia Napa shop early on Tuesday morning. Police said that the shop’s alarm had gone off at 5.30 am, and the owner who lived in a building next to the shop went downstairs to see what was happening. On entering the shop, he saw that the fur coats were missing.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

International crime ring believed behind jewellery theft (updated)

An international crime ring, members of which have recently arrived in Cyprus, appear to be behind the break in at a jeweller’s shop in Limassol early on Monday, police believe. “We are targeting a certain crime ring, which must have arrived on the island lately, and seems to have begun operating,” Limassol police chief Ioannis Sotiriades said at the crime scene. Jewellery of an as yet unknown value was stolen at dawn on Monday from the jeweller’s shop in Limassol.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Moped gang ‘armed with knives and acid’ launch £100,000 raid on jewellers

A moped gang has stolen £100,000 worth of goods from a jewellers in Wimbledon Village. The four thieves, who threatened people with knives and ‘acid’, launched the daring raid in the upmarket area of London at around 12.45pm on Wednesday.


Risk Prevention & Consulting

Polícia prende suspeito de atirar em vendedor de joias em Ponta Grossa

Outro suspeito de receptar os produtos também foi detido nesta terça-feira (18). O vendedor reagiu a um assalto, no fim de agosto, e foi baleado; ele já deixou o hospital.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina in gioielleria nel Casertano sventata dal «nebbiogeno» | Video

Un gruppo di malviventi che irrompe di notte in una gioielleria ma si trova davanti una sorpresa: una nebbia che impedisce la visuale e costringe i criminali alla fuga. È accaduto la scorsa notte a Portico di Caserta…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Sept braquages dans l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse : jusqu’à 10 ans ferme

En 2016, sept commerces de Philippeville, Fleurus, Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Froidchapelle et Chimay ont été braqués. Parmi ceux-ci : quatre bijouteries et trois commerces alimentaires.