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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Momčilo Vujačić, Dragan Šandak, Aleksandar Ćurković te bivši čelnik kaštelanske HVIDRA-e, Jozo Certa, osuđeni su na Županijskom sudu u Zagrebu na ukupno 20,5 godina zatvora zbog organiziranog krijumčarenja droge. Ova četvorka provela je međunarodnu operaciju dilanja heroina, kokaina i hašiša, pod vodstvom zloglasne bande Pink Panther Duška Martinovića, piše Jutarnji. Njemu se sudi u Crnoj Gori u zasebnom postupku.
A significant rise in housebreaking incidents has seen more than £600,000 worth of Asian jewellery and cash stolen.
The high-value items were taken from homes in the Greater Glasgow police division.
Most of the 44 incidents reported since July this year happened in Newton Mearns and Robroyston.
Police Scotland officers believe the crimes are linked…..
Gütersloh (din) – Schmuck und Bargeld im Wert von 370 000 Euro haben vier Räuber am 26. April in einem Juweliergeschäft an der Spiekergasse erbeutet. Zwei mutmaßlich Beteiligte aus Kempten (32) und Bielefeld (41) müssen sich ab dem 14. Dezember wegen schweren Raubes vor der II. Großen Strafkammer des Bielefelder Landgerichts verantworten. …..
BONN. Nach einem Einbruchsversuch bei einem Goldschmied in Bonn klickten die Handschellen. Vor Gericht gestand das polizeibekannte Duo seine Taten. Ein ehemaliger Komplize setzte sich in die Türkei ab…..
Moped criminals have been caught by police in London, only to threaten an officer with a knife, slash the wheels of his motorbike and escape.
The incident will provoke fresh alarm following mounting calls for a crackdown on offenders using scooters to launch robberies, stabbings and acid attacks with relative impunity…..
Bei einem Überfall auf das Juweliergeschäft Relojería Alemana im Yachthafen Puerto Portals auf Mallorca wurden Schmuckstücke von großem Wert erbeutet. Das berichtet die Tageszeitung Ultima Hora. Die genaue Schadenshöhe wird jedoch erst nach einer Inventur feststehen…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Ani Saku, indagato per il colpo da Nataly, fermato dalla Stradale in provincia di Massa Carrara: in auto aveva una pistola e delle fascette. Antonino Tedeschi trovato in Sicilia: è ai domiciliari per la tentata rapina da De Marco, si vestì da donna. In entrambi i casi c’era Francesco Palma, in carcere a Brindisi…

Risk Prevention & Consulting
Sequestrato in strada e caricato a forza su un furgone, legato, pestato e minacciato da una banda di delinquenti affinché rivelasse la combinazione dell’allarme. E’ accaduto a un commerciante di preziosi, Giorgio Vitali, 66 anni, …
Risk Prevention & Consulting
A notorious Chilean jewellery thief alleged to be involved in a number of armed robberies across Barcelona jewellery stores has been arrested at Heathrow after months on the run. Catalan Police say the unnamed man is a suspected member of a well-known gang who took part used guns to hold up stores in the Catalonian city.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
A significant rise in housebreaking incidents has seen more than £600,000 worth of Asian jewellery and cash stolen. The high-value items were taken from homes in the Greater Glasgow police division.