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Two Romanians jailed over “sophisticated and daring” heist at jewelry shop in London

Two Romanians who drilled through the walls to raid a jewelry store in central London under the cover of a nearby marathon have been sentenced to six years in prison each, local Agerpres reported, quoting Press Association. They managed to steal jewelry worth almost GBP 300,000….


Another TN Jewelry Store Targeted in Rooftop Burglary

Rififi-Einbruch durch die Decke
Collierville, Tenn.—Burglars broke into the safe of a Tennessee jewelry store after cutting a hole in the roof of an adjacent business and then breaking through a brick wall to gain access to the store.


4 Arrested in Louisiana Believed to Be Part of Larger Ring

Hammond, La.—Police have arrested four men potentially connected to a string of smash-and-grab robberies across eastern Texas after they allegedly hit another jewelry store in Louisiana. …


De Grisogono USA Files for Bankruptcy in New York

New York—Less than a month after De Grisogono filed for bankruptcy in Switzerland, where it is headquartered, its U.S. division has followed suit. In a Chapter 7 filing made Feb. 10 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, the brand listed its assets at an estimated $1 million to $10 million and its liabilities between $10 million and $50 million. …


Thief Smashes Display Case At Dorchester Jewelry Store

BOSTON (CBS) – A thief wielding a hammer stole thousands of dollars worth of jewelry in Dorchester Monday night. It all began when the suspect strolled into Ngoc Lloi Jewelry on Dorchester Ave, asking to see some jewelry and at one point even trying on a gold necklace….


The diamond deal that rocked Angola

For Sindika Dokolo and Isabel dos Santos, a stake in De Grisogono was a status symbol. But Angola claims it has been left to foot a $200m bill
The jeweller De Grisogono may not be a household name, but it has cachet among the stars. Its annual party at the Cannes film festival is a sparkling occasion, and not just for the A-listers who get to wear the diamond necklaces the company produces…..


Can you „James Bond“ cut a hole in glass?

Wir räumen mit einigen Hollywood Mythen auf und zeigen ob man ein kreisrundes Loch so einfach in Glas schneiden kann. Zunächst setzen wir den kreisrunden Glasschneider an einer normalen Float Glasscheibe an. Danach zeigen wir das Verhalten bei einbruchsicherem Glas. Zum Schluss versuchen wir uns mit einem schweren Vorschlaghammer an dem einbruchsicherem Glas.

We’ll clear up some of the Hollywood myths and show if a circular hole can be cut into glass so easily. First we put the circular glass cutter on a normal float glass pane. Then we show the behaviour with burglar-proof glass. Finally, we try a heavy sledgehammer on the burglar-proof glass.


Three Romanians face French trial over diamond swindle

CASTRES, FRANCE –Three Romanians have been ordered to stand trial in France on charges they made off with one million euros (CAD$1,453,000) worth of diamonds from a French jeweller and his Indian partner, in an elaborate hoax resembling a Hollywood movie script…..


Staff thrown on ground as masked men rob Sliema jewellers

Masked robbers threw a female sales representative to the ground before making of with valuables from a Sliema jewellery shop.Police are investigating the robbery at Classic Jewellers in Bisazza Street, Sliema, on Tuesday afternoon.The three men pushed the 31-year-old woman and began breaking display cases to steal the items inside, police say….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rolex robbery spree: Paris police warning after more than 20 luxury watches are stolen over the weekend

Police have warned luxury watch owners in Paris after more than 20, mostly Rolex, timepieces were stolen in the capital over the weekend. Some have been targeted in burglaries of chic apartments in the 16th arrondissement, while other victims have been stepping out of restaurants and bars.