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Risk Prevention & Consulting
In the early hours of this morning, an organised crime group involved in railway card fraud was taken down through a joint action by the British and Romanian authorities. Europol assisted the operation on the spot by deploying a mobile office to Romania during the action day. Eurojust supported the national criminal investigations by setting up a joint investigation team (JIT) between the United Kingdom and Romania, which was provided with substantial funding.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
A Counterfeit Aristocrat with Thousands of Euros to Match Under the guise of being an Indian Prince, a gentleman went on a spending spree in Monaco over a few days, pampering himself to the tune of over 250.000 euros. A bit of fantasy about one’s aristocratic heritage is not so harmful – but start using counterfeit money in Monaco’s casino and you are headed for trouble. Over 300 false 100 euros notes were exchanged for chips and suddenly…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
A bungling robber got trapped inside a jewellery shop by a self-locking door – and only escaped when an unsuspecting member of the public opened it from the outside. Police have released clear CCTV footage of the bizarre raid at a shop in Green Lanes, Haringey, north London, as they appeal for information about the three thieves.
The robbers made off with a ’substantial‘ amount of jewellery and caused extensive damage to the door in the storeDetectives in Harringay, London have released CCTV footage of three men they wish to trace in connection with a commercial robbery of the Italgold Jewellery store, during which a woman was attacked….
Made in Chelsea’s Spencer Matthews had to hide in a jeweller’s shop vault as a moped-riding gang carried out a smash-and-grab.The reality TV star said he was at the Hour House in Duke Street, Marylebone, when armed robbers struck at 10:30 BST.Matthews, who was unhurt, said they drove through a window before „battering the shop with big huge hammers“….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Since the end of 2018, protestors in Albania, Montenegro and Serbia have been taking to the streets to express their frustration and anger at corruption and organized crime. Journalists in the region are being targeted for exposing high-level graft, like Olivera Lakić, who, in May 2018, was shot in the leg after revealing the complicity of senior Montenegrin officials in cigarette smuggling. People with alleged links to crime have been arrested and questioned in connection with the murder of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanović.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
(CNN)One of Europe’s most prolific crime groups involved in large-scale drug trafficking, money laundering, and assassinations has been dismantled, Europol said Wednesday.The criminal network run by Lithuanian and other EU nationals earned an estimated $760 million from its crimes between 2017-19, the European Union’s law enforcement agency said in a statement.
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Members of the public attempted to stop the thieves as they left the storeFive men have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police after the group raided the Amir Jewellers jewellery store in Maida Vale, London.
The thieves, using travel visas to enter the country, target high-end homes, cars and businessesFederal, state and local law enforcement agencies throughout Southern California are joining forces to catch a new breed of brazen criminals using travel visas to enter the U.S. to loot from homes, businesses and automobiles.Dubbed by authorities as “burglary tourism,” sophisticated gangs comprised of Chilean nationals are suspected of committing a string of thefts in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Orange counties, including a $1.2 million heist in March at a Laguna Niguel jewelry store….
LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif. (KABC) — Brian Hassine is leaving the hole in his jewelry store’s roof until he says his business is made whole again. Six weeks ago, thieves cut the power to Nuggets and Carats in Laguna Niguel, and they got to work. „In our case, they noticed the power was not back on because we weren’t notified, and they proceeded to cut a hole in the ceiling, come in and take everything we owned,“ said Hassine. …