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Bloomberg) — Montres DeWitt SA, a Swiss watchmaker founded by a descendant of Napoleon’s brother, said more than 1 million francs ($1.1 million) of timepieces were stolen from its museum near Geneva last weekend.
The break-in, which lasted 2 minutes, occurred after 11 p.m. on March 22 at the site in Meyrin, near the Geneva airport, Chief Executive Officer Viviane de Witt said by phone. Security cameras filmed two people breaking the glass mirror entrance to the museum with metal bars and grabbing 26 watches……
Members of the public tackled and detained an armed robber as he tried to flee the scene of a jewellery store raid in Leeds city centre yesterday.
The incident took place at Berrys Jewellers, in Albion Street, when three masked men entered the store at 3:20pm and threatened staff with what police believe to be ‘BB’-type pellet guns….
Jewellery and watches worth several thousands of pounds have been stolen in a smash-and-grab at a high street jewellers in Dorking, Surrey.
Police believe the thieves smashed through the front door of Blacks II, located on High Street, between 5:15am and 5:30am on Thursday, March 19, before smashing a number of cabinets and taking several thousand pounds worth of jewellery and watches…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Police are stymied by the disappearance of two diamonds worth HK$26.5 million on the last day of a jewelry fair at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai.
A report was made to police at 5.41 pm yesterday by an exhibitor who said he found the two diamonds missing when checking the stock at the close of the five- day exhibition.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Tens of thousands of pounds worth of jewellery was stolen from a Royal Mail delivery van while it was parked up in Leeds.
Thieves snatched a number of bags from the back of the van after it was left unattended on King Street in the city centre.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
PETALING JAYA: Nizam Zakaria, a 67-year-old ex-Rela (People’s Volunteer Corps) man put his shooting skills to good use by gunning down a robber who threatened the life of a money changer.
“I am a security guard and I am paid to act when there is a robbery,” said Nizam who was on duty at a jewellery shop in a shopping mall, when he was informed that a nearby shop had been broken into by four men.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Armed thieves have seized a reported €9m (£6m; $9.5m) worth of jewels from two armoured lorries at a French motorway toll booth.
As many as 15 hooded attackers seized the vehicles at about midnight on Tuesday on the A6 motorway at Avallon, 220km (140 miles) south-east of Paris.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
NSW police are appealing for witnesses after a brazen $100,000 jewellery heist in broad daylight at a Sydney shopping centre.
A 55-year-old jewellery wholesaler had parked his car in the level-four Westfield car park in Hurstville about 3.30pm on Tuesday and unloaded a suitcase full of jewellery „for an impromptu meeting with a retailer“, said Detective Inspector Paul Simpkins.
Police and Edinburgh have arrested and charged a 24-year old man in connection with an armed robbery on a jewellery store in Edinburgh.
The robbery took place at around 9:30am on March 2, when a robber went into Laing The Jewellers on Frederick Street before threatening staff with a gun and making off with between 12 and 15 watches.
The robber is alleged to have then ran into Hannover Street where he hijacked a private hire car, both the driver and his passenger, who remained in the back seat of the vehicle were left ‘shaken’.
A shopkeeper armed with a baseball bat chased after axe-wielding robbers who snatched up to £50,000 worth of watches and jewellery in a smash-and-grab moped raid.
Mark Guess, 41, bravely fought back when one of the two masked thieves kicked through the glass door of the jewellery store and burst inside.
The store owner chased one of the men with a baseball bat and hit him on the back as he fled….