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Risk Prevention & Consulting
A member of a well-known Arab crime family in Germany says he helped plan the jewelry robbery. The loot has never been recovered.A thief accused of stealing a diamond-studded 17th-century treasure worth more than $126 million has made a surprise courtroom confession. The gang member — currently one of six on trial in Germany — has admitted he was involved in planning the theft of the jewelry, studded with 4,300 diamonds.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
IRISH PORTS AND airports have been infiltrated by organised crime groups to facilitate widespread smuggling of illegal drugs and other commodities….
Foreign nationals, primarily from South America, are flying to the United States on B-2 tourist visas for the purpose of burglarizing rich Americans in California, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office….
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The suspects stole more than $1.5 million worth of jewelry from the store, police say, but there were no reports of any injuries…..
Diese Täterinnen sind auch in Europa bekannte Trickdiebinnen. Sie sind vom Juwelier-Warndienst schon in den Jahren 2015 – 2020 in Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Schweden und den Niederlanden nach Diebstählen bei Juwelieren identifiziert worden!
Detectives identified the two women as Andreia Anghel and Marioara Munteanu, both are believed to have committed jewelry distraction thefts across the country.
Authorities are closing in on a sprawling network of South American bandits who arrive as “tourists,” then plunder the homes of the rich—eluding police on three continents…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
CAPE TOWN – Suspects bombed a cash-in-transit vehicle along the N7 on-ramp in Cape Town on Tuesday which led to a frenzy on the busy road as by-standers swarmed the cash van and began taking the money that spilled onto the road.
Last year, Apple introduced the AirTag, a 1.26-inch disc that doubles as a tracking device.
Along with Apple’s new “Find My” network, the discs are meant to help users find their lost items, such as wallets and keys.
The tech giant was initially slammed for taking the idea from Tile, which created a technology based on a similar idea. But now, critics have raised a far more serious concern, which could affect people in the jewelry industry….
A man dubbed the ‘Gold King’ claims Tonka Tomicic, a model and TV presenter, owes him hundreds of thousands of pounds for the sale of a valuable stone.
An international network dedicated to the illegal sale of stolen jewelry and watches is said to have implicated a stunning model and TV presenter.
….The Chilean criminal gang is thought to operate in Europe and North America, stealing high-end jewelry and watches before selling them in Chile…..
New York—The Jewelers’ Security Alliance recently published its annual crime report for 2020, which was delayed because of COVID-19 but still provides insight about crime trends in the jewelry industry.
President John J. Kennedy said 2020 was a year in which there were more crimes against the jewelry industry, but dollar losses shrank….