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Risk Prevention & Consulting
The retired head of Serbia’s Criminal Police confirmed years-long rumors about the complex ties between the country’s police, politicians, and criminal groups in an exclusive interview with NIN and OCCRP-partner KRIK, published Thursday.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Italian mafia boss Rocco Morabito has escaped from prison in Uruguay, where he was awaiting extradition to Italy, the interior ministry has said. Uruguay had agreed to extradite the notorious drug trader known as the „cocaine king of Milan“ back to Italy. The suspected head of the ‚Ndrangheta crime gang has been one of Italy’s most wanted fugitives since 1995.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Plus de 10’000 cartouches de cigarettes de contrebande et un million d’euros d’avoirs criminels saisis, treize personnes arrêtées: un vaste trafic européen a été démantelé cette semaine par une unité française de lutte contre le crime organisé.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
U pucnjavi je ubijen Bogdan Milić (37), dok su ranjeni Dragan Vušurović (33), Goran Vušurović (48) i Marko Vujačić (48). Dvojica napadača pucala su iz automobila u pokretu, nakon čega su pobjegli u pravcu Njeguša. Cetinjanin Bogdan Milić (37) ubijen je u pucnjavi koja se juče dogodila u Cetinju. U vatrenom obračunu ranjeni su Dragan Vušurović (33), Goran Vušurović (48) i Marko Vujačić (48), takođe iz Cetinja. Policija traga za dvije osobe koje su ispalile na desetine hitaca u Cetinjane.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Die blutigen Abrechnungen unter den verfeindeten Clans aus der montenegrinischen Adria-Stadt Kotor sind am Dienstagnachmittag in Cetinje fortgesetzt worden. Im Garten eines Kaffeehauses wurde ein 37-jähriger Mann erschossen, der laut Medienberichten mit dem sogenannten Skaljari-Clan in Verbindung gestanden haben dürfte.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Les faits remontent à février 2018 et une affaire rocambolesque d’un braquage d’un fourgon de transport de fonds en Suisse. Ce braquage avait été précédé de l’enlèvement de la fille de l’un des convoyeurs de fonds. Un temps placés en garde à vue, le convoyeur de fond et la victime de l’enlèvement avaient été relâchés.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
En el año 2014 se produjeron 23 atracos a joyerías de Catalunya. Uno de los establecimientos asaltados a punta de pistola fue la joyería Roca, que en ese momento estaba ubicada en la avenida Diagonal de Barcelona.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Si sono fatti scudo del proprietario che hanno tenuto in ostaggio per alcuni minuti così da impedire l’ingresso della polizia e poi hanno lanciato dei fumogeni per allontanarsi senza problemi, ostacolando così l’ingresso degli agenti.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
La polizia di Cerignola (Fg) ha arrestato un uomo del luogo, e una coppia di Torino indiziati in concorso per rapina aggravata. Il provvedimento è scaturito da un’intensa attività investigativa diretta dalla Procura di Foggia. Lo scorso 8 marzo un uomo e una donna, dopo essere entrati in una gioielleria del Comune foggiano hanno finto di essere interessati all’acquisto di alcuni articoli, e poi….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Russian police uncovered around $3 million worth of stolen diamonds, and over $2.5 million in cash, at the homes of a criminal ring operating inside state-controlled diamond producer Alrosa, authorities said on Monday. Alrosa, the world’s largest producer of rough diamonds in carat terms, confirmed that security services had uncovered an ongoing diamond theft ring in its sorting and grading department.