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Risk Prevention & Consulting

[VIDEO] Asaltan joyería y golpean a guardia en Vitacura (Santiago de Chile)

Con gran violencia, un grupo de 10 delincuentes arremetió contra una joyería en Vitacura. Golpearon al guardia y destruyeron las vitrinas, todo esto en mediodía y en una de las avenidas más transitada de la comuna.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Main suspect of spectacular Brussels Airport diamond heist extradited to Belgium

The main suspect of the spectacular diamond heist at Brussels Airport, 6 years ago, has been extradited by France. This has been confirmed by the Halle-Vilvoorde judicial authorities.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Toronto News Video: Oakville jewellery store robbery

Store employee recounts brazen armed robbery

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Break In At Tiffany’s! Luxury Jeweller in London Victim of Smash and Grab Raid

Officers were seen swarming over the scene this morning, the pavement still strewn with shards of shattered glass. A gang of smash-and-grab raiders struck high-end jewellers Tiffany & Co in Knightsbridge, one of London’s most exclusive areas.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Moment ruthless sledgehammer-wielding gang smashed up jewellery shop in £300,000 heist as they are jailed for total of 49 years

Robbers who travelled 150 miles to carry out a ‚ruthless‘ £300,000 jewellery heist have been jailed for a total of 49 years. The gang of five drove several hours from Greater Manchester to target a family-run shop in Newcastle upon Tyne before subjecting the owner to a terrifying raid.Video

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Serbian Businessman With Organized Crime Ties to Profit Big in Airport Deal

Stanko Subotic, a businessman twice indicted for cigarette smuggling and known for his links to an alleged drug lord, is set to make millions from the expansion of Belgrade’s airport.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Geldtransporter am Alexanderplatz überfallen – Schüsse auf Polizei

Mitten im Berufsverkehr ist am Freitagmorgen ein Geldtransporter in Mitte überfallen worden. Die Maskierten schossen bei der Flucht auf die Polizei.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Polizei schießt auf flüchtenden Geldautomaten-Sprenger

Germering – Die Polizei hat in Germering bei München einen mutmaßlichen Geldautomaten-Sprenger angeschossen und verletzt. Mit einem Komplizen habe der Mann am frühen Mittwochmorgen einen Automaten knacken wollen, sagte ein Sprecher.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jackpot bei Coup: Im Auto lag 300.000-Euro-Uhr

Mit dem Diebstahl eines 190.000-Euro-Mercedes sackte eine Bande gleich noch eine Uhr im Wert von 300.000 Euro ein. Mit einem billigen Trick stahlen sie 18 Nobelschlitten.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Ladri al Portuense: infrangono vetrina della gioielleria e fuggono con l’oro

„La banda si è poi dileguata a bordo di un’auto di grossa cilindrata. Lo stesso esercizio commerciale era stato ‚visitato‘ nel febbraio del 2016“