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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Acht Geldautomaten sind seit Jahresbeginn in den Kreisen Heinsberg/Düren und in der Städteregion Aachen gesprengt worden. Die Banken beklagen eine zunehmende Brutalität der Täter.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
A member of a well-known Arab crime family in Germany says he helped plan the jewelry robbery. The loot has never been recovered.A thief accused of stealing a diamond-studded 17th-century treasure worth more than $126 million has made a surprise courtroom confession. The gang member — currently one of six on trial in Germany — has admitted he was involved in planning the theft of the jewelry, studded with 4,300 diamonds.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
IRISH PORTS AND airports have been infiltrated by organised crime groups to facilitate widespread smuggling of illegal drugs and other commodities….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Serious and organised crime inflict huge costs on both the EU economy and society. Organised crime is an increasingly dynamic and complex phenomenon, as it has become more interconnected, transnational and digital. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an increase in cybercrime, fraud and counterfeiting. Police and judicial actions and the effective implementation of existing EU instruments are critical in tackling this challenge. New strategies to disrupt the business models and structures of criminal organisations will also benefit from an integrated approach, recognising the socio-economic, technological and geopolitical dimensions of the problem.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Duško Poznan (45), pripadnik „Pink Pantera“ koji se Milanom Ljepojom u Dubaiju izveo najspektakularniju pljačku ove zloglasne bande, osuđen je u Švajcarskoj na 7,5 godina zatvora zbog planiranja razbojništva.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Po nalogu Tužilaštva za organizovani kriminal nakon višemesečnog predistražnog postupka danas je policja uhapsila 14 pripadnika organizovane kriminalne grupe , dok se trojica već nalaze u pritvoru. Kako Informer saznaje radi se o pripadnicima kriminalnog klana Veljka Belivuka
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Die Anzahl von Geldautomaten-Sprengungen in Hessen ist im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um rund 50 Prozent gestiegen. 56 Taten wurden registriert. Die Diebstahlsumme liegt bei rund 2,75 Millionen Euro. Hinzu kommen Sachschäden von mehr als 2,5 Millionen Euro.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
CAPE TOWN – Suspects bombed a cash-in-transit vehicle along the N7 on-ramp in Cape Town on Tuesday which led to a frenzy on the busy road as by-standers swarmed the cash van and began taking the money that spilled onto the road.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Eidsivating lagmannsrett har enstemmig forkastet anken fra den litauiske mannen, som før jul ble dømt til tre år og seks måneders fengsel for ….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Miki Plavi Debeli, kum vođe kavačkog klana Radoja Zvicera, koji je za ubistvo predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića angažovao profesionalca poreklom iz Čečenije, organizovao je i ekipu od oko 15 ljudi koji su bili zaduženi da pomognu da se ovaj gnusni plan sprovede u delo.