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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Oakville Place jewelry store robbed at gunpoint: police

Police are searching for two suspects after an armed robbery took place at a jewelry store at Oakville Place on Wednesday night. Officers were called to the shopping centre, located at 240 Leighland Avenue, for a reported incident at Mariani Jewellers and Watch Boutique at around 8:30 p.m.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Heist at Hermes: Surveillance Video Released in $500K Fashion Valley Mall Theft

Authorities Tuesday released two surveillance videos showing a fast-working crew of burglars ransacking a Fashion Valley luxury- goods retailer and making off with merchandise valued at more than a half- million dollars.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jewellery stolen from Athlone store in storm robbery

Jewellery and watches worth around €250,000 were stolen from a shopping centre in the midlands during last week’s snow storm.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Verhaftungswelle nach Milliardenbetrug

Es ist angeblich der größte Bankbetrug in der Geschichte Indiens. Mittendrin: ein Diamantenhändler der Hollywoodstars, der sich flott ins Ausland abgesetzt hat. In Indien häufen sich dagegen die Festnahmen.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Uhapšeni crnogorski « PINK PANTER » ukrao nakit vredan 1,7 MILIONA EVRA

Španska policija uhapsila je člana grupe « Pink Panter » crnogorskog državljanina Radovana Jelušića po poternici Crne Gore zbog izdržavanja kazne zatvora u toj zemlji, a za krivično delo počinjeno u Japanu.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Politiet jakter brutal gullsmedraner – går ut med fantomtegning

I mandagens sesongpremiere kan Åsted Norge presentere en fantomtegning av mannen som står bak det væpnede ranet av «Gullgalleriet» i Trondheim mandag 5. februar.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Roma, rapina in gioielleria: Video

Roma, rapina in gioielleria: ladri messi in fuga da residenti e commercianti – Una banda di rapinatori ha provato a mettere a segno un colpo in una gioielleria situata in viale Marx a Casal de’ Pazzi (Roma), ma le cose non sono andate come pensavano.


Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gangs with metal detectors target Asian homes for jewellery raids

Organised criminal gangs targeting affluent Asian households are using metal detectors to find where families have hidden their precious jewellery, it is suspected.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gunshots ring out as gang of masked robbers raid jewellery store

attacking security guard and hitting him over the head with a handgun before fleeing in their getaway car

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Roubaix : une bijouterie violemment braquée dans le centre-ville

La bijouterie Lauras, dans le centre de Roubaix, a été braquée ce matin vers 8 heures. Un homme a dû être hospitalisé.