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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Vendredi 4 juin 2021, un individu armé d’un pistolet s’est attaqué au manège à bijoux du centre E.Leclerc de Gonesse. Il a pris la fuite après avoir ouvert le feu.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Une bijouterie du centre de Toulouse a été dévalisée en pleine nuit vers 3 heures du matin. 300.000 euros de montres Rolex ont été dérobées dans les vitrines. Un suspect est en garde à vue.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Rentré en France après près de 10 ans de cavale au Maroc, Ilyas Ameur, impliqué dans le braquage du Forum de l’Or en 2011 à La Garde, a comparu devant la cour d’assises du Var, vendredi. L’homme est passé aux aveux.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
SLIKE masakriranja i sakaćenja visokopozicioniranog člana « škaljarskog klana » M. R. (31) iz Crne Gore slate su njegovoj majci na mobilni telefon, saznaju « Novosti ». Mučenje ovog Cetinjanina trajalo je danima, a onda je ubijen. Prema operativnim podacima srpskih bezbednosnih službi, iza ovog zločina stoje Veljko Belivuk i Marko Miljković, osumnjičeni čelnici beogradske kriminalne grupe, koji su ovo uradili po nalogu « kavčanina » Radoja Zvicera, njihovog istinskog vođe.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
The hero guard who managed to keep his cool, despite his armoured car being attacked in a hail of bullets by two cars of gunmen, has been identified as a former police sniper. Leo Prinsloo, 48, was caught on the vehicle’s dashcam frantically battling the two groups of robbers as they attacked his cash-in-transit truck in South Africa.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
An armed robbery with hostages in a jewelry store in the Salamanca district of Madrid has left two lightly injured on Tuesday, one of them an employee who has been shot in the abdomen and, the other, a policeman who has been hit in the head the splinters of the shot, police sources have informed this newspaper. The event took place in the early afternoon at L’Ermitage, a luxury establishment located at 25 Calle de Ayala. The robber has already been arrested.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Se ha producido un atraco en la joyería L’Ermitage, ubicada en la calle Ayala del madrileño barrio Salamanca, que se ha saldado con un hombre detenido y dos heridos de bala, el dueño del establecimiento y un policía.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
An international law enforcement operation involving the Netherlands, Poland and Europol has resulted in the arrest of 30 members of a prolific organised crime gang flooding Europe with millions of counterfeit cigarettes.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
U tajnoj prostoriji podzemnog bunkera Veljka Belivuka i Marka Miljkovića, u vili smrti u Ritopeku, policija je pronašla i avionski « brauning » teški mitraljez, kalibra 12,7 milimetara, koji probija laka oklopna vozila, saznaju « Novosti ».
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Interpolova divizija Savezne policije uhapsila je 20. aprila Zvjezdana Begića, rođenog u Crnoj Gori, optuženog da je deo međunarodne organizacije « Pink Panter », poznate po spektakularnim krađama skupocenog nakita.