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Raubüberfall in Zürich: Wo ist der dritte Mann, wo die Millionenbeute?

Es geht schnell damals. Lächelnd betritt der Mann das Juwelier-Geschäft in Zürich. Minuten später flüchtet er mit zwei Komplizen und Beute im Wert von 3,5 Millionen Franken. Ein filmreifer Coup, der ihn jetzt vor Gericht bringt….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Así es «El Dragones», el cerebro del mayor robo de joyas del año

Llevaban detrás de ellos casi ocho meses. Siete individuos, muy peligrosos y especializados, a los que se les imputa el mayor robo de joyas del año en España: un botín de dos millones conseguido en un establecimiento de Barcelona. El cerebro del golpe no es otro que Roberto Fernando Anaut Rubio, de 41 años, apodado «El Dragones» por sus numerosos tatuajes.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Cash in transit van ‘significantly damaged’ during attempted robbery in Clongriffin

A cash in transit van was « significantly damaged » during an robbery attempt in north Dublin this morning. The van was damaged when a number of men managed to gain entry to the van shortly before midday today in Grange Lodge Avenue, Clongriffin. The would-be thieves didn’t manage to get away with any money during the robbery attempt but did cause extensive damage to the van.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Video: Suspected ram raid on London jewellery store results in arrest

Police have arrested a suspected robber after an apparent ram-raid on a jewellery store in west London. Scotland Yard said officers were called shortly before 5.30pm on Friday after a car was reportedly driven into…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Cut holes in shopping centre roof for jewellery robbery

A ROMANIAN national already in prison and facing deportation for crimes in Ireland was brought before Letterkenny Circuit Court on Thursday. Costel Rosloveanu (29) with a previous address in Borris in Ossory, County Laois, but now in Cloverhill Prison, pleaded guilty to the theft of almost €60,000 worth of jewellery from MCCullagh’s Jewellers.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jewellery robbers threaten bystanders with machete and crowbar in brazen High Street raid as they empty shop with no police in sight (Video)

A brazen gang of robbers broke into a High Street jewellers in front of shocked pub goers and passersby. The thieves, armed with a machete and a crowbar, broke into Georgian Gems jewellers in the pretty Dorset seaside town of Swanage on Saturday night.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

FILMSKA PLJAČKA ZLATARE U SPLITU Odnesen nakit milionske vrijednosti (VIDEO)

Nadzorne kamere snimile su pljačku zlatare u centru Splita prilikom koje je otuđen nakit u vrijednosti oko dva miliona kuna.Prema riječima zaposlenih, na djelu su snimljena trojica pljačkaša koji su bili dobro pripremljeni i organizovani. Vlasnik zlatare Đonlić u Bosanskoj ulici odlučio je objaviti snimke kako bi mu sugrađani pomogli otkriti počinioce.


Überfall auf Juweliersfamilie: Verdächtiger gefasst

Knapp drei Monate nach dem Überfall samt Geiselnahme bei einer Juweliersfamilie auf dem Heuberg in Koppl (Flachgau) ist Dienstagfrüh ein Verdächtiger gefasst worden. Im August waren drei maskierte Bewaffnete in das Haus der Familie eingedrungen. ….


In nur 2 Minuten: Diebe stehlen Schmuck in Millionenhöhe (VIDEOS)

Die Überwachungskameras eines Juweliers in Split fingen den gesamten Coup des Trios ein. Bis jetzt fehlt jede Spur von den Tätern. …


La police française déjoue un projet de braquage de fourgon en Suisse

Huit hommes ont été interpellés jeudi dernier dans l’Ain, en France voisine, en possession d’armes et d’explosifs. Ils sont suspectés d’avoir projeté l’attaque d’un fourgon transportant des métaux précieux en Suisse….