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Mutmaßlicher Juwelenräuber zum zweiten Mal freigesprochen

Nachdem Überfall auf einen Juwelier in Moers vor über 10 Jahren ist ein Verdächtiger ein weiteres Mal freigesprochen worden. Der heute 46-jährige war noch wegen eines anderen Überfalls auf einen Juwelier angeklagt – der wurde jetzt in Moers verhandelt. …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Los Mossos resuelven el atraco con rehenes de la joyería Roca

En el año 2014 se produjeron 23 atracos a joyerías de Catalunya. Uno de los establecimientos asaltados a punta de pistola fue la joyería Roca, que en ese momento estaba ubicada en la avenida Diagonal de Barcelona.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina con ostaggio gioielleria Napoli

Si sono fatti scudo del proprietario che hanno tenuto in ostaggio per alcuni minuti così da impedire l’ingresso della polizia e poi hanno lanciato dei fumogeni per allontanarsi senza problemi, ostacolando così l’ingresso degli agenti.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Cerignola, schiaffi a commessa e rapina in gioielleria: presi in 3 – VIDEO

La polizia di Cerignola (Fg) ha arrestato un uomo del luogo, e una coppia di Torino indiziati in concorso per rapina aggravata. Il provvedimento è scaturito da un’intensa attività investigativa diretta dalla Procura di Foggia. Lo scorso 8 marzo un uomo e una donna, dopo essere entrati in una gioielleria del Comune foggiano hanno finto di essere interessati all’acquisto di alcuni articoli, e poi….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Russian Police Uncover Diamond Theft Gang Inside State Mining Firm Alrosa

Russian police uncovered around $3 million worth of stolen diamonds, and over $2.5 million in cash, at the homes of a criminal ring operating inside state-controlled diamond producer Alrosa, authorities said on Monday. Alrosa, the world’s largest producer of rough diamonds in carat terms, confirmed that security services had uncovered an ongoing diamond theft ring in its sorting and grading department.

Risk Prevention & Consulting


In the early hours of this morning, an organised crime group involved in railway card fraud was taken down through a joint action by the British and Romanian authorities. Europol assisted the operation on the spot by deploying a mobile office to Romania during the action day. Eurojust supported the national criminal investigations by setting up a joint investigation team (JIT) between the United Kingdom and Romania, which was provided with substantial funding.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Counterfeiters and Dogs Run Wild While Armed Robbers Quietly Plan

A Counterfeit Aristocrat with Thousands of Euros to Match Under the guise of being an Indian Prince, a gentleman went on a spending spree in Monaco over a few days, pampering himself to the tune of over 250.000 euros. A bit of fantasy about one’s aristocratic heritage is not so harmful – but start using counterfeit money in Monaco’s casino and you are headed for trouble. Over 300 false 100 euros notes were exchanged for chips and suddenly…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Self-locking door traps bungling robbers inside jewellery shop – see VIDEO

A bungling robber got trapped inside a jewellery shop by a self-locking door – and only escaped when an unsuspecting member of the public opened it from the outside. Police have released clear CCTV footage of the bizarre raid at a shop in Green Lanes, Haringey, north London, as they appeal for information about the three thieves.


Police appeal following robbery at Harringay jewellers

The robbers made off with a ‘substantial’ amount of jewellery and caused extensive damage to the door in the storeDetectives in Harringay, London have released CCTV footage of three men they wish to trace in connection with a commercial robbery of the Italgold Jewellery store, during which a woman was attacked….


Paris: Brutaler Juwelier-Überfall mitgefilmt – Couragierte Passanten jagen Räubern hinterher

Mit Video!

Gestern ist ein Juwelierladen in Paris am helllichten Tag vor den Augen zahlreicher schockierter Passanten überfallen worden. Der gesamte brutale Raub wurde von der Überwachungskamera im Geschäft aufgezeichnet und veröffentlicht. Einige couragierte Männer wollte sie nicht entkommen lassen und nahm die Verfolgung auf. …