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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Prestiti con tassi usurai fino al 108% e furti in tutta Italia. Con l’arresto di diciassette persone si avvia a conclusione l’operazione Golden Hand, partita nel 2012. All’epoca fu sequestrato un vero e proprio tesoro, per 14 milioni di euro, alla famiglia agropolese. Per i coinvolti, ora, l’accusa è di associazione a delinquere finalizzata all’usura, alla ricettazione ed al furto con destrezza sul territorio nazionale.
In Kanada ist ein gefälschter Goldbarren der Royal Canadian Mint aufgetaucht. Händler und Prägeanstalt rätseln, denn das Falschgold wurde offensichtlich am Bankschalter verkauft…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Una banda de delincuentes disfrazados de zombies asaltó el negocio « Cristal Joyas » el pasado 2 de noviembre.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
La vendedora de una joyería en Walnut Creek (EE. UU.) puso la gema de 1,82 quilates en la palma del falso comprador para mostrársela.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Police are investigating a burglary at the Heron food store in Gainsborough Market Place. Shortly after 7pm on Saturday, October 28, offenders drove a white Vauxhall Astra into the glass window of the store and attacked the ATM inside.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Police are searching for thieves who blew up a cash machine in an explosion that shook homes more than two miles away in the early hours of Thursday. The blast happened at a Co-operative Bank cashpoint outside a Matalan store in Darlington at about 1.20am.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
An Albanian man was taken to court today to face charges in connection with the robbery at Diamonds International, and the alleged attempted murder of two policemen during his arrest. Daniel Muka, 22, stands accused of involvement in the October 5 robbery at Tigne Point during which a security officer was injured and a substantial amount of jewellery was stolen.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Bottino di oltre 100mila euro: legano e imbavagliano il titolare, razziano i preziosi e poi scappano nelle vie del centro….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Alors qu’ils déchargeaient le contenu de deux camions de cigarettes, des chauffeurs ont été braqués dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, sur le parking des transports Le Torc’h, zone de Troyalac’h, à Saint-Evarzec, en bordure de la RN 165.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Een dief stapte enkele weken geleden een juwelierszaak in San Francisco binnen met het verhaal dat hij zijn vriendin ten huwelijk wilde vragen met een dure ring. Alles verliep heel normaal, maar eens de man een ring met diamant ter waarde van 23.000 euro in zijn handpalm liggen heeft, sprong hij plots recht en racete de deur uit.