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Risk Prevention & Consulting

86-year-old international jewel thief out of jail again

PALM DESERT — An 86-year-old jewel thief whose decades of exploits include crimes at home and abroad — including the 2013 theft of a diamond ring from a Palm Desert store — is out of custody again following two recent brushes with the law in Georgia.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Woman finds S$172k diamond ring – loot from heist – in Hong Kong park

HONG KONG – A woman found a diamond ring worth around HK$1 million (S$172,180) in Kowloon Park on Tuesday (Sept 19) afternoon, and the item has been confirmed to be one of nine pieces stolen in a daring daylight robbery.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gang steals Dh1.5m worth of jewellery from shop in Dubai

Five men stole jewellery valued at more than Dh1m from a shop in Dubai International City, Dubai Criminal Court was told on Tuesday. On July 12, the masked men allegedly entered the shop armed with knives and sprayed the shop workers with pepper spray before locking them all up in the shop’s toilet and stealing the jewellery.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Thieves make off with HK$24 million in jewellery in daring Hong Kong smash-and-grab raid

Trio break open store window before fleeing on motorbike from busy shopping area

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Watch: ‘Ninja’ Romanian Crime Academy gang in £3m jewellery raids

The six-man gang led by Adrian ‘The Dad’ Botez took £400,000 of watches in just one raid on a Beaverbrooks branch. A new TV documentary has revealed how a Midlands “crime academy” gang were jailed for almost 50 years for plundering more than £3 million-worth of jewellery in a massive series of heists . The six-man gang struck across the country and took £400,000 of watches in just one raid on a Beaverbrooks branch in Stoke-on-Trent.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

The Jewel Raiders: Tonight

An ITV Tonight investigation reveals that Adrian ‘The Dad’ Botez, inspired by the notorious jewel thieves The Pink Panthers, ran a gang of ‘ninja-like’ jewel raiders, who robbed £3.1m worth of goods from 11 high-end stores across England in a year-long spree.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Bonnie Clyde a Capri, una truffa in gioielleria per 130mila euro

Due turisti inglesi acquistavano rolex e gioielli con carte di credito clonate: fermati mentre provavano a fuggire dalla polizia di stato

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Sigtelse: Sigøjner-trio plyndrede hus for smykker og 125.000 kroner

Udbyttet var 120.000 kroner i kontanter samt en endnu ukendt mængde smykker, da en bande tricktyve onsdag plyndrede et hus ved højlys dag i Randers. Det oplyste anklager Jhin Lee i dag i et grundlovsforhør ved retten i Randers. Tre af de fire fremstillede tilhører den berygtede Levakovic-klan. 23-årige Santino Levakovic samt hans fætter Alpacino Petrovic og tante Monika Maria Petrovic. Den fjerde anholdte er perifert belægtet med de øvrige.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gullsmed ranet i Oslo

En gullsmed på Ammerud i Oslo er blitt ranet, opplyser politiet. – Vi har akkurat fått en melding inn til operasjonssentralen om at en gullsmed på Ammerud er blitt utsatt for et ran hvor to gjerningsmenn skal ha tatt seg inn på gullsmeden, truet den ansatte, påsatt han håndjern og låst han inne på et bakrom, sier Tor Gulbrandsen, operasjonsleder i Oslo politidistrikt til TV 2 i 13-tiden.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Paris : le voleur de pierres précieuses des Champs Elysées arrêté

Cet Israélien venait de subtiliser trois émeraudes colombiennes lors d’une transaction qui se déroulait à l’hôtel Marriott des Champs-Elysées.