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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jewellery goes missing at Spanish film awards ceremony

Police are investigating the disappearance of jewellery worth some 30,000 euro (£25,875) from a hotel room used during the Spanish Film Academy’s Goya Awards ceremony.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Thieves make off with £20,000 jewellery haul during early morning raid on Paisley home

Crooks targeted the house stealing precious belongings, including an expensive Omega Seamaster James Bond watch…


Juwelenraub bei Goya-Verleihung in Spanien

Madrid (dpa) – Unbekannte haben bei der Verleihung der spanischen Goya-Filmpreise Juwelen im Wert von 30 000 Euro gestohlen. Der Schmuck sei in einem Zimmer des Madrider Luxushotels aufbewahrt worden, in dem auch die « spanischen Oscars » am Samstagabend verliehen wurden, berichtete die Zeitung « ABC » am Dienstag unter Berufung auf die Filmakademie…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Øker beredskapen etter tips om gullsmedran

Politiet har fått tips om mulig ran av gullsmed, og har økt beredskapen.  Vi har høynet beredskapen i forbindelse med dette, sier Arve Samsonsen, operasjonsleder i Vest politidistrikt.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jaguar Land Rover přišel o motory za 94 milionů korun, ukradli je zloději

V továrně skupiny Jaguar Land Rover v Solihullu řádil zlodějský gang. Odvezl si nové motory za desítky milionů korun.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Lupič hrozil zbraní, mířil prstem! I tak získal šperky za statisíce

Kuriózní loupež se stala v Brně. Lupič tam přišel do zastavárny a na prodavačky namířil svůj prst. Ženy byly sice ukryté za neprůstřelným sklem, ale přesto muži vydaly šperky v hodnotě 400 tisíc korun!

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Surveillance captures brazen Aventura jewelry store robbery

AVENTURA, FLA. (WSVN) – – Owners of a South Florida jewelry store that was targeted by robbers released new surveillance footage of the smash and grab and are voicing their concerns.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Robert Gatward jewellery shop raiders sentenced to more than 30 years imprisonment

A judge has praised the Windsor community after four armed robbers were sentenced to more than 30 years imprisonment between them – thanks to the efforts of a group of have-a-go heroes in King Edward Court.

Risk Prevention & Consulting


Following a series of terrifying armed robberies across Melbourne, Victoria Police and industry groups have rallied to provide continued support to the jewellery trade. One of the latest initiatives was a seminar held in conjunction with Victoria Police, the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA), the Gemmological Association of Australia (GAA) and the Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia (Guild).

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Trio Jailed For Bournemouth And Poole Armed Robberies

Two men and a woman have started jail terms for robbing two female escorts in Bournemouth and Poole – at gun and knifepoint.