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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Guardia Civil arrest gang exporting stolen items to Algeria

SPANISH police in Alicante have recovered around 400 high-value, stolen items such as latest generation mobile phones, jewellery, computers and tablets, valued at about 100,000 euros.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Thief who stole €30,000 of Goya jewellery thought they were ‘trinkets’

THE thief who stole €30,000 of jewellery from the Goya film awards said he thought they were only ‘trinkets.’


Maskenmänner überfallen Juwelier im Schlaf

Tangerhütte (Sachsen-Anhalt) – Früh um 3 Uhr standen Freitag plötzlich vier Maskierte am Ehebett des 71-Jährigen und seiner Frau (70) in der Stendaler Straße…


Polizei sucht Täter des Überfalls

TÄTERBILDER für Teilnehmer des Int. Juwelier-Warndienstes unter www.warndienst.com

Nach einem bewaffneten Raubüberfall auf ein Juweliergeschäft in Bamberg sucht die Polizei nach zwei flüchtigen Tätern. Die Polizei bittet die Bevölkerung um Mithilfe.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Spacca la vetrina e ruba un Rolex, bloccato dai passanti

L’intervento delle Volanti in corso Porta Reno pone fine alla fuga di un 26enne albanese arrestato per rapina impropria

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Colpo da un milione di euro a Curnis Arrestati i «maghi» delle spaccate -Video

Grazie ai filmati delle telecamere, la Polizia ha smantellato una banda specializzata in furti commessi con la modalità della «spaccata» ai danni di gioiellerie di tutta Italia. Avevano rubato un milione di euro nel marzo del 2015 alla gioielleria Curnis in pieno centro a Bergamo.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Bergamo, presi gli autori della rapina a Curnis

Si tratterebbe di 6 banditi di origine serba. Razziarono gioielli per un milione nella gioielleria sul Sentierone

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Thieves steal £100k of jewellery from Cambridge hotel room

Police are hunting the raiders who struck at the Royal Cambridge Hotel

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Jailed for 21 years: Trio who raided jewellers in Leicester’s Golden Mile

Three men have been jailed for a total of 21 years after they robbed a jewellers in Leicester’s Golden Mile. They entered G Naran Jewellers in Belgrave Road on the afternoon of 14 November, 2015 and stole a large quantity of gold jewellery

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Paris: Huit braqueurs pris en flagrant délit avec 200 montres de luxe

SOCIETE Des braqueurs sud-américains ont été arrêtés dans un appartement du 7e arrondissement de Paris avec un butin de 300.000 euros…