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Neue Spur im Fall der Rolex-Diebe

Die Polizei meldet einen ersten Erfolg bei der Fahndung nach dem spektakulären Einbruch in die Rolex-Boutique am Kurfürstendamm: Das Fluchtfahrzeug der Täter wurde gefunden. Eine Streife des Objektschutzes der Polizei entdeckte den schwarzen BMW Kombi der 3er-Reihe am Montagmorgen in Dahlem. Der Wagen war im Hüttenweg abgestellt worden. Da er unauffällig geparkt war, war er bisher niemandem aufgefallen. Der Streife erschien er jedoch verdächtig, weil er einen Unfallschaden am Heck aufwies. Die Rolex-Diebe hatten auf ihrer Flucht mit dem Auto ein sie verfolgendes Polizeifahrzeug gerammt……


Five jailed over £7m Monopoly money scam on jewellery stores

A gang of conmen who used Monopoly money to trick jewellery store owners as part of a £7m scam have been sent to jail for a combined total of 22 years.
The sentencing follows an investigation into organised frauds, including an elaborate fraud in Bristol where a jeweller lost £420,000 worth of diamonds, diamond rings and watches, another in London where a jeweller was defrauded £6.1m, a £250,000 theft in Wiltshire and a £200,000 theft in Leeds……

Risk Prevention & Consulting

FBI Holding Forum on Diamond Money Laundering

The event aims at stopping diamonds from being used in terrorist financing. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in conjunction with Europol, Interpol, the National Police of the Netherlands, the U.S. State Dept., and the World Customs Organization, is sponsoring a two-day event on the role diamonds play in money laundering and terrorist financing.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

FBI Offers $10,000 Reward for Strip Jewelry Armed Robbery Suspects

LAS VEGAS (KXNT) – A $10,000 federal reward is now offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of five men behind an armed jewelry store robbery earlier this month, according the FBI’s Las Vegas Division.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Pavilion jewellery store robbed

Durban – Security guards dived for cover when confronted by AK-47-wielding robbers during a closing time heist at Westville’s Pavilion Shopping Centre. Four men forced their way into Beverley Jewellers at about 6pm on Wednesday, said a witness.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Wafi Mall Dh14.7 million heist: ‘Pink Panther’ in Dubai court

One member of gang denies involvement in court. One of the accused involved in an infamous Dh14.7 million heist at Dubai’s Wafi Mall in 2007, who was handed over to Dubai Police by Spanish authorities, appeared before the Dubai Criminal Court.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Swindlers who bought designer watches and jewellery with Monopoly money are sent to prison

A GANG of fraudsters who paid for watches, jewellery and diamonds worth some £600,000 with Monopoly money have been jailed for 16 years.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Furto record nel napoletano: in 3 minuti portati via gioielli per un valore di oltre 10mila euro

SAN GIUSEPPE VESUVIANO – In appena 3 minuti hanno portato via gioielli per il valore di diverse decine di migliaia di euro. È questo il record registrato da una banda di ladri ….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Braquage des fourgons blindés sur l’A6 : un an après, l’enquête progresse

Certains parlaient de « casse du siècle », il s’agissait dans tous les cas de l’un des plus gros braquages de fourgons blindés de l’histoire en France. Dans la nuit du 10 au 11 mars 2015, deux camions sécurisés, qui transportaient dans le plus grand secret 9 millions d’euros de bijoux, avaient été attaqués par un groupe extrêmement bien renseigné à hauteur d’Avallon sur l’A6. Armés de kalachnikov, …


Zweiter Prozess um spektakulären Raub in Regensburg

Vor dem Landgericht Regensburg muss sich ab heute der zweite mutmaßliche Täter wegen des spektakulären Raubüberfalls auf das Regensburger Juweliergeschäft Mühlbacher im vergangenen Sommer verantworten. Der Überfall dauerte nur eine Minute. …..