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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Assises: les jurés face à la vidéo violente du braquage d’un bijoutier niçois

La Cour d’assises des Alpes-Maritimes, qui juge l’un des deux braqueurs présumés d’un joaillier niçois, a visionné ce lundi au 1er jour du procès la vidéo de l’agression perpétrée en septembre 2013dans la modeste bijouterie, de quoi frapper les esprits sans révéler les visages des hommes casqués.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Desmantelado un grupo especializado que robaba joyas en Toledo y Ciudad Real

Agentes de la Guardia Civil de Ciudad Real han detenido a dos personas como supuestos autores de 41 delitos, como hurtos de joyas por el procedimiento del abrazo, robo con violencia y hurtos en domicilios, en varias localidades de las provincias de Ciudad Real y Toledo.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Imagens mostram momento do assalto a joalheria em shopping do Rio

Homem teria levado 10 relógios da marca Rolex na semana passada. Outro roubo ocorreu na mesma loja no dia 24 de fevereiro.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Robbers who stole millions in jewelry sentenced

Two Philadelphia men sentenced for jewelry theft ring, which stole $2 million ruby sculpture from a Wilmington jeweler.


£100,000 theft at Ernest Jones Eastbourne

Sussex Police are investigating a burglary at an Eastbourne jewellers in which thousands of pounds worth of stock was stolen.
Officers were called to Ernest Jones, in Eastbourne’s Arndale Centre, at about 1:13 am on Monday (18 April) following a report from a member of staff about the break-in…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Andy Warhol Prints Stolen from Springfield Art Museum

Sometime between the evening of April 6 and the morning of April 7, thieves broke in to the Springfield Art Museum and stole seven screen prints by pop artist Andy Warhol, and as of today, April 22, they are still missing

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Israel: Police Probe $65 Million Fraud at World’s Largest Diamond Exchange

Israeli police are investigating a possible US$ 65 million fraud at the world’s largest diamond exchange in Ramat Gan, a city east of Tel Aviv, the Guardian reported.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Stolen antique Castellani jewellery pieces worth £2.4m returned to Rome’s Villa Giulia museum

Antique jewellery worth €3m (£2.4m, $3.4m), stolen from Rome’s Villa Giulia museum three years ago, were returned to the museum recently. Italian police recovered most of the jewels from a Russian woman, who allegedly organised the heist.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Atracadores profesionales disfrazados de militares roban a punta de pistola en la Joyería Gordillo

Ayer lunes, sobre las 19.15 horas de la tarde, una de las joyerías más prestigiosas de Cádiz, la Joyería Gordillo, cuyo establecimiento está en la Calle San Francisco, 33, fue víctima de un nuevo atraco, al parecer a punta de pistola.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Baby-rapinatori di gioiellerie, il pm chiede le condanne. Sono di Giugliano, Villaricca e Mugnano

Giugliano. Si è conclusa oggi la requisitoria del pm Faiella nel rito abbreviato che vede imputate 10 persone, accusate a vario di rapina aggravata, lesioni personali aggravate e detenzione illegale di armi. La banda, composta da 15 persone, sarebbe autrice di una serie di rapine commesse in Italia ai danni di gioiellerie a Rimini, Lecce e Casoria.