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Überfall auf Juwelier Hörl ist für Angestellte immer noch ein Schock

Dreieinhalb Jahre nach dem Raub auf den Juwelier Hörl macht die Tat manchen Angestellten immer noch zu schaffen. Nun begann der Prozess…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Security policies limit ‘insider threat’ at airports, TSA says

The Transportation Security Administration says airport and airline workers pose an “insider threat” to planes flying domestically, but physically screening the workers every time they go into secure areas would be too costly and wouldn’t erase the threat.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Even the Food Standards Agency Could Access UK Surveillance Data Under New Bill

The UK’s proposed mass surveillance powers, if made law, will force internet service providers to store every citizen’s web browsing history for up to a year. From there, police forces and security agencies will be able apply for a warrant to access the data.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

In pics: Police find Hatton Gardens heist jewels hidden in grave, court hears

The Hatton Garden raiders buried some of their swag in a cemetery. The robbers bragging they had pulled off the ‘biggest cash robbery in history’, court was told.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Move over Ocean’s 11, here are 8 of the most creative cons India has witnessed

There are only two kinds of criminals. The ones that receive appropriate punishment for their crimes, and the ones that get away.


Juwelier öffnet nur nach Klingeln

Haan. Sechs Überfälle und zwei Trickdiebstähle sind Cezmi Yildiz genug: Er hat die Eingangstüre seines Ladens jetzt besonders gesichert…….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Operazione The Mask Il papà ex banda della Magliana, il figlio rapinatore seriale

VITERBO – I cinque rapinatori di banche arrestati ieri sono tutti professionisti, seriali. Romani e con una lunga esperienza criminale alle spalle. Tra loro c’è anche Daniele Virgutto,…

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina al gioielliere, caccia ai complici. « Non volevo uccidere »

E’ caccia ai complici di Valentin Frokkaj, l’ergastolano evaso ucciso dal gioielliere Rodolfo Corazzo, che racconta: « Non volevo uccidere, loro mi dicevano che avrebbero mutilato mia figlia ». Pare che gli uomini cercassero armi.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Milano, svaligiarono orologeria un anno fa: presi i rapinatori

La banda era stata reclutata in Romania, sette arresti Milano, 26 nov. (askanews) – La Polizia di Stato, in meno di un anno di indagini, ha individuato tutti i responsabili della rapina all’orologeria « Pisa », commessa il primo dicembre 2014 a Milano; nell’occasione,

Risk Prevention & Consulting

La Banque de France forme les professionnels à reconnaître une contrefaçon

La Banque de France a mis en circulation mercredi un nouveau billet de 20€ de la série “Europe“ sur l’ensemble du territoire français. A cette occasion, ….