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Four rings have been stolen by thieves from a jewellery store in Wrexham, North Wales.
The incident, which happened at around 12:30pm on Thursday, October 29 at Goldsmiths in Regent Street, saw one man waited outside the shop while another entered and asked to see some rings…..
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Discover the real story behind Sky Atlantic’s explosive new drama, The Last Panthers – a network of jewel thieves thought to be responsible for the theft of more than €334m
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Police have smashed a gang of eastern Europeans who were suspected of targeting properties in Highland towns. The Press and Journal reported this week that organised groups of criminals had been blamed by police for a spate of break-ins across the north. Up to 50 incidents had been reported in recent weeks, with Chief Superintendent Julian Innes revealing that targets had been “planned and researched” – with thieves “casing the joint” before moving in.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
More than 50 organised crime gangs are operating in Cumbria, bringing with them the threat of violence, guns and drugs. The detective leading the force’s intelligence work has spelled out the level of threat facing the county from home-grown groups and criminals moving in from other areas.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
De zoon van de gevreesde maffiabaas Sreten ‘Jotsa’ Jocic schoot op een groep die hem met messen en ijzeren staven belaagde. Het lijkt dat hij zich wel móest verdedigen.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
ATLANTA – De internationale juwelendief Doris Payne (85) lijkt nog niet met pensioen te zijn gegaan. De kwieke bejaarde verdween dinsdag weer achter de tralies, nadat ze in de stad Atlanta was betrapt
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Un rapinatore-attore che si finge cliente per far entrare i complici in una gioielleria e compiere il ‘colpo’. È quanto sarebbe accaduto a Molfetta dove un 31enne di Giovinazzo è stato arrestato dai Carabinieri con l’accusa di rapina aggravata in concorso. A tradirlo le immagini delle telecamere del circuito di videosorveglianza dell’esercizio commerciale, che state vedendo.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Da quattro anni e tre mesi a pena sospesa per i lituani che, nel corso del processo, si sono avvalsi della facoltà di on rispondere
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Une entreprise de production de parfums et cosmétiques a été cambriolée dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi dans la zone d’activités d’Acquigny (Eure). Les malfaiteurs ont dérobé de nombreux cartons de produits destinés à de grandes marques de parfumerie. Le montant du butin, qui est en cours d’évaluation, serait très important, selon nos informations.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Zunächst fiel der Leichenwagen auf einer Schnellstrasse im äußersten Osten Russlands durch überhöhte Geschwindigkeit auf. Bei der Kontrolle entdeckten die Polizisten dann eine halbe Tonne Kaviar