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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Polícia prende suspeito de atirar em vendedor de joias em Ponta Grossa

Outro suspeito de receptar os produtos também foi detido nesta terça-feira (18). O vendedor reagiu a um assalto, no fim de agosto, e foi baleado; ele já deixou o hospital.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina in gioielleria nel Casertano sventata dal «nebbiogeno» | Video

Un gruppo di malviventi che irrompe di notte in una gioielleria ma si trova davanti una sorpresa: una nebbia che impedisce la visuale e costringe i criminali alla fuga. È accaduto la scorsa notte a Portico di Caserta…..

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Sept braquages dans l’Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse : jusqu’à 10 ans ferme

En 2016, sept commerces de Philippeville, Fleurus, Jemeppe-sur-Sambre, Froidchapelle et Chimay ont été braqués. Parmi ceux-ci : quatre bijouteries et trois commerces alimentaires. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

A Paris, deux hommes en fuite après le braquage d’une bijouterie

Deux hommes armés ont braqué samedi une bijouterie à Paris avant de prendre la fuite en emportant plusieurs montres de luxe, a-t-on appris de source policière.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

BOMBU BACIO MUŠKARAC SA CRNOM KAPULJAČOM Ciljao kriminalca i poznatog “Pink Pantera” sa DEBELIM DOSIJEOM, a umalo ubio bivšeg košarkaša

Bomba koja je juče bačena na automobil bivšeg reprezentativca i košarkaša Partizana Vukašina Vuleta Avdalovića najverovatnije nije bila namenjena njemu, već komšiji sa kriminalnim dosijeom Aleksandru Š, saznaje “Blic”.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

22-åring tiltalt for grovt ran: Stripset butikkansatt på hender og føtter

STAVANGER: Gullsmedraneren hadde smykker til en samlet verdi av 2,7 millioner kroner i bagen da han ble taklet inn i noen busker ved Sankt Petri kirke i Stavanger sentrum.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapina in gioielleria a Samnaun

SAMNAUN – Rapina in una gioielleria di Samnaun (GR) la scorsa notte: tre persone con il volto coperto hanno sfondato la porta con un fuoristrada prima di far man bassa nel negozio.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Footage Shows Tiny Ant Stealing Precious Diamond From Jewellery Shop

Everybody knows that although ants are absolutely tiny, they’re able to carry objects that weigh between 10 and 50 times their body weight, and which are much larger than them. We’ve all seen videos of them carrying leaves, but this little ant went a little bit further:

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Witnesses recall screaming, shattered glass during Richmond jewelry store robbery

Witnesses are sharing their accounts of a brazen daytime robbery at a jewelry store in Richmond, B.C. Tuesday that terrorized shoppers at a local mall. “I heard screaming first. I honestly thought it was a rat or a cockroach or something along the lines of that,” said John Li, who works at the Richmond Centre Lucky Mobile booth near the scene of the incident.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Man jailed over Regent Street jewellery store moped raid

A moped robber who targeted a jewellers in Regent Street has been sentenced to eight years in jail.

Jamie Farrell, 31, of Islington, north London, was among a gang of six men on three mopeds and a motorbike armed with sledgehammers and knives who arrived at a Watches of Switzerland store in Regent Street on June 5 at 10.20am, Scotland Yard said.