

Reports by Risk Prevention & Consulting

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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Cambriolage d’une bijouterie à Nancy: 9 suspects interpellés, butin retrouvé

Neuf personnes ont été interpellées lundi près de Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) dans le cadre de l’enquête sur les cambriolages de deux bijouteries à Nancy et Strasbourg, dont le butin se chiffre en centaines de milliers d’euros, a-t-on appris mercredi de source judiciaire.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

£1 ‘confiscated’ from £600,000 jewel thief

A confiscation order for £1 has been granted against a man who was part of a gang which stole more than £600,000 of goods from a Glasgow shopping centre.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gardai recover jewellery worth €1.7m from travelling crime gangs

Gardaí have recovered a major haul of stolen jewellery that had been taken by travelling gangs from victims’ homes in three provinces.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Wellington jewellery maker pleads for return of $10,000 of stolen pieces

A Wellington jeweller has been stung by a thief who stole $10,000 of her distinctive jewellery from a courier bag in her letterbox that was waiting for a pickup. As she had done before Natalie Salisbury had put the 57 pieces of jewellery in a courier bag destined for her gold plater in her letterbox outside her Island Bay home.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Banditi in fuga sull’Audi gialla: Italia impotente contro i criminali

Un’Audi gialla (modello RS4), con targa svizzera TI 123 1…, rubata nei pressi di Malpensa, su cui viaggia una banda di rapinatori semina il panico in Italia: i malviventi, coinvolti in una sparatoria con le Forze dell’ordine,….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

De faux Prada fabriqués en Chine et vendus sur internet

Le site internet ressemblait à celui de la griffe milanaise, les produits étaient vendus aux mêmes prix que les vrais, mais tout était du faux Prada fabriqué en Chine: la police italienne a annoncé vendredi avoir mis au jour une vaste escroquerie trompant les amateurs de luxe.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Important braquage d’une bijouterie à Paris

Le site de TF1 annonce qu’une bijouterie du Ve arrondissement de Paris a été la cible d’un braquage ce samedi matin. La valeur du butin serait de 700.000 euros de montres dérobées. 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gesprengte Geldautomaten: Es knallt in Deutschlands Banken

Alle paar Tage sprengen Kriminelle Geldautomaten in die Luft, legen SB-Bereiche in Schutt und Asche, entkommen mit dem Geld. Die Polizei hat bislang noch kein Mittel gegen diesen neuen Trend.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Sri Lankan man arrested at airport ‘for smuggling gold in rectum’

Customs officers at Bandaranaike International Airport stopped the 42-year-old man after noticing that he was “walking suspiciously”. He had arrived in Sri Lanka at around 1.30am on Tuesday on a flight from Singapore.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Pictures: CCTV images of gang who raided Fraser Hart

After a smash-and-grab burglary at a jewellery store in the city centre on Saturday morning, police have released CCTV images of the gang who stole around £650,000 worth of goods. Thieves smashed the windows of Fraser Hart jewellery shop in Silbury Arcade before stealing valuable jewellery. They also started a fire, padlocked a chain across a road and blocked a street with tree trunks.