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Orange County jewelry store owner hatches plan to catch burglars, disappointed by outcome

LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif. (KABC) — Brian Hassine is leaving the hole in his jewelry store’s roof until he says his business is made whole again. Six weeks ago, thieves cut the power to Nuggets and Carats in Laguna Niguel, and they got to work. „In our case, they noticed the power was not back on because we weren’t notified, and they proceeded to cut a hole in the ceiling, come in and take everything we owned,“ said Hassine. …

Risk Prevention & Consulting


Experts from Europol’s Intellectual Property Crime Coordinated Coalition – IPC3 supported the Italian Carabinieri and the Tribunal of Darmstadt in Germany, in the arrest of 20 individuals and the seizure of 150 000 litres of fake olive oil. The criminals, who raked in up to € 8 million every year in criminal profit, modified the colour of low quality oils to sell them on the Italian and German markets as extra virgin olive oil.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

(VIDEO) NAJČUVENIJA ‚PINK PANTERKA‘: Ja sam nekrunisana kraljica ludila!

U kriminal sam ušla sasvim slučajno, bivši muž me je upoznao sa tim svetom, koji sam ja ubrzo doživela kao svoj, kaže Olivera Ćirković, bivša košarkašica i najčuvenija „pink panterka“. Nije mi namera bila, niti će ikada biti da promovišem kriminal. Samo sam želela da na papir stavim i ispričam svoju životnu priču

Risk Prevention & Consulting

“Da je Benedi Đukanović procesuiran za pljačku zlatare, možda bi Slaviša Krunić danas bio živ”

“Da je Benedi Đukanović procesuiran za pljačku zlatare u Ključu, ko zna, možda bi banjalučki biznismen Slaviša Krunić danas bio živ”.Ovu rečenicu kazao je dobro upućeni policijski izvor koji je učestvovao u potjeri nad Đukanovićem u dva navrata – 2007. godine kada je sa još dvojicom maskiranih razbojnika izvršio razbojništvom nad tadašnjom “Una bankom“ u središtu Ključa i 2013. kada je taj kriminalac sa saučesnikom izvršio pljačku i razbojništvo ključke zlatare “Sarajka“.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Organised crime chronic and corrosive to the UK – National Crime Agency

The threat of organised crime is „chronic and corrosive“ to the UK and more money is needed to tackle it, according to the National Crime Agency. Head of the agency Lynne Owens said organised criminals were killing more citizens per year than terrorism, war and natural disasters combined.


Blitzeinbruch beim Juwelier – Auto fährt durch Scheibe

Blitzeinbruch mit Rammbock: Drei Männer sind in Recklinghausen mit einem ein Auto rückwärts in die Scheibe eines Juweliergeschäftes gefahren und haben nach Polizeiangaben dabei einen Rammbock verwendet….

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Startups are fighting thieves by putting your Rolex on the blockchain

Paris-based startup Arianee wants to fight theft by putting luxury goods on the blockchain. But will it work? And is it good business?

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Thieves take €80,000 worth of jewellery from Limassol shop

Jewellery worth €80,000 was stolen from a jewellery shop early on Thursday morning. Limassol police chief Yiannis Soteriades said that the force believes the theft was the work of a known criminal gang.


Bewährung für Juwelier-Einbruch

Angeklagter steht nach neun Jahren vor dem Landgericht und gesteht
…Auch Staatsanwalt Marco Heim war mit einer zweijährigen Haftstrafe für den 35-jährigen Angeklagten auf Bewährung einverstanden, dem folgte das Gericht in seinem Urteil….
„Bei einem Stehlschaden von 120.000 Euro und einem Sachschaden von 5.000 Euro!“

Risk Prevention & Consulting

„Pljačka veka“ u Srbiji: Iz Bora nestalo skoro 900 kg zlata

Iz pogona za dobijanje plemenitih metala „Zlatara“, iz sastava nekadašnjeg RTB-a, od 1. januara 2014. do 1. aprila 2017. nestalo je skoro 900 kilograma zlata.