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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Maskerte ranere med våpen forsøkte å ta seg inn i butikken. Det var like etter klokken 14 mandag at den eksklusive urmakeren Urmaker Bjerke i Nedre Slottsgate ble forsøkt ranet av maskerte ranere med våpen.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Seven people have today been arrested as part of an investigation into an organised criminal gang. The gang is believed to be responsible for thefts and burglaries committed over the last year totalling more than £1 million. The offences, committed across north Lancashire and northern England, include high value commercial plant theft, stealing ATMs and cash in transit thefts, as well as burglaries at domestic properties.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Three siblings who were working directly for the leader of a notorious Nigerian crime gang have been convicted of laundering nearly £1m for the Black Axe organised crime syndicate through UK bank accounts. Okemiorukaye Nakpodia, 56, was found guilty of conspiracy to money launder at Woolwich Crown Court today (8 May 2019). Esther Nakpodia, 35, Unuakpotovo Nakpodia, 46, both pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Europol has supported Spain in dismantling a criminal organisation providing large-scale crypto money laundering services to other criminal organisations.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
The two suspected administrators of a website known as DeepDotWeb have been arrested on 6 May 2019 in Paris, France and Israel. Authorities in the US have charged the two individuals after an internationally coordinated operation today, supported by Europol. At the same time, the DeepDotWeb website was seized by law enforcement and judicial authorities.
Rotterdam – Dinsdagmiddag 12.00 uur is de leverancier van een juwelier op de Rochussenstraat door meerdere mensen overvallen. Bij deze overval werden geld een waardevolle spullen buitgemaakt….
Wegen des spektakulären Einbruchs ins Juweliergeschäft Mayer muss sich ein weiterer mutmaßlicher Täter vor dem Landgericht verantworten. Der 35-Jährige soll mit Komplizen Uhren im Wert von 120 000 Euro gestohlen haben…….Ein mutmaßlicher Einbrecher, der an dem spektakulären Coup auf das Starnberger Juweliergeschäft Mayer im Jahr 2010 maßgeblich beteiligt gewesen sein soll, muss sich ab Mittwoch vor dem Landgericht München II verantworten. …
Un fourgon Renault Trafic, qui convoyait une marchandise d’une valeur de plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros, a été attaqué par une équipe de malfaiteurs très bien renseignée…..
Sept hommes a braqué une société de fabrication de bijoux près de Besançon ce vendredi 3 mai. Ils ont pris la fuite avec 20 kilos d’or. ….
Unbekannte Täter haben am frühen Donnerstagmorgen versucht, ein Juweliergeschäft in der Heilbronner Innenstadt auszurauben. Dabei haben sie das Schaufenster komplett zerstört…..