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Diebe rammen Juwelierladen mit Transporter – und scheitern

In der Nacht zum Dienstag versuchen Unbekannte in ein Juweliergeschäft in Stuttgart-Mitte einzubrechen. Dazu wollen sie die Scheibe mit einem Fahrzeug zerstören. Der Plan geht schief. …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

G4S security guard ‚flees with £1m from cash-in-transit van he abandoned in residential London street‘

A security guard reportedly disappeared with £1 million after abandoning his G4S cash-in-transit van in south-west London. The driver is said to have fled with 40 deposit boxes and left the vehicle in a residential street in Clapham on Tuesday.

Risk Prevention & Consulting


On 17 April 2019, some 400 police officers from the Romanian Directorate for Investigation of Organised Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) and the Dutch National Police, with the support of Europol and Eurojust, swooped on suspects in both these countries believed to be part of an organised crime group involved in fake carrier fraud.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

[VIDEO] Asaltan joyería y golpean a guardia en Vitacura (Santiago de Chile)

Con gran violencia, un grupo de 10 delincuentes arremetió contra una joyería en Vitacura. Golpearon al guardia y destruyeron las vitrinas, todo esto en mediodía y en una de las avenidas más transitada de la comuna.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Main suspect of spectacular Brussels Airport diamond heist extradited to Belgium

The main suspect of the spectacular diamond heist at Brussels Airport, 6 years ago, has been extradited by France. This has been confirmed by the Halle-Vilvoorde judicial authorities.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Toronto News Video: Oakville jewellery store robbery

Store employee recounts brazen armed robbery

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Break In At Tiffany’s! Luxury Jeweller in London Victim of Smash and Grab Raid

Officers were seen swarming over the scene this morning, the pavement still strewn with shards of shattered glass. A gang of smash-and-grab raiders struck high-end jewellers Tiffany & Co in Knightsbridge, one of London’s most exclusive areas.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Moment ruthless sledgehammer-wielding gang smashed up jewellery shop in £300,000 heist as they are jailed for total of 49 years

Robbers who travelled 150 miles to carry out a ‚ruthless‘ £300,000 jewellery heist have been jailed for a total of 49 years. The gang of five drove several hours from Greater Manchester to target a family-run shop in Newcastle upon Tyne before subjecting the owner to a terrifying raid.Video


Federal Grand Jury Indicts Alleged Robbery Crew in Well-Planned Jewelry Heists that Netted $1 Million in Stolen Goods

LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury today indicted five members of a robbery crew who allegedly committed sophisticated heists by following wholesale jewelers and bank customers – sometimes for days – and then robbing them, netting the thieves more than $1 million worth of jewelry and tens of thousands of dollars in cash over the past 18 months….
…. The various heists described in court documents followed a similar pattern: a member of the crew known as a “scout” identified a victim who was likely to be carrying jewelry or cash. The victims typically were jewelers conducting business at jewelry stores or malls in Orange County, the Jewelry District in downtown Los Angeles, or at various trade shows, the affidavit states. The “scout” followed the victim, who often was carrying large amounts of jewelry or cash, and would wait for an opportunity when the scout and co-conspirators could rob the jeweler…..
….If convicted in this case, defendants Lucca and Nuñez would face a statutory maximum sentence of 40 years in federal prison, and the other defendants would face statutory maximum sentences of 20 years in prison….


Juwelier warnt vor neuer Betrugsmasche: Bei diesen Schmuckverkäufern sollten Sie vorsichtig sein

München – Zuerst überrascht, dann gerührt – und schließlich 50 Euro los. So geht es den Menschen, die auf die Goldring-Masche reinfallen. Der Juwelier Baier in Trudering schlägt deshalb Alarm – die Juweliersfamilie erlebte eine Welle von Betrugsfällen dieser Art. Zwei bis drei Mal pro Woche seien Opfer zu Familie Baier gekommen, um den Wert von Ringen schätzen zu lassen, die sie aus Mitleid auf der Straße gekauft hatten – um dann zu erfahren, dass die Schmuckstücke überhaupt nichts wert sind….