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Risk Prevention & Consulting
Authorities Tuesday released two surveillance videos showing a fast-working crew of burglars ransacking a Fashion Valley luxury- goods retailer and making off with merchandise valued at more than a half- million dollars.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Jewellery and watches worth around €250,000 were stolen from a shopping centre in the midlands during last week’s snow storm.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Es ist angeblich der größte Bankbetrug in der Geschichte Indiens. Mittendrin: ein Diamantenhändler der Hollywoodstars, der sich flott ins Ausland abgesetzt hat. In Indien häufen sich dagegen die Festnahmen.
The FBI’s Jewelry & Gem Theft program—created in 1992—offers investigative assistance and intelligence on theft groups to law enforcement and partners with the jewelry industry to create a unified and coordinated approach to this crime threat. The FBI is involved in this types are thefts for several reasons: The thefts usually cross state and even national boundaries—so they need a federal agency with offices across the nation and overseas to investigate these highly mobile jewelry thieves; these crimes are increasingly committed by organized criminal enterprises or theft groups that likewise require a federal agency with tough laws and with offices across the U.S. and overseas; and these groups are often involved in other kinds of organized crime activities already under scrutiny by the FBI.
SAN DIEGO — Police are asking for the public’s help in tracking down ten people that made away with $500,000 worth of merchandise in a Fashion Valley Mall burglary spree last month……
Austin, Texas–An Austin jewelry store owner was shot and killed during a recent home invasion.
According to the Travis County Sherriff’s Office, early in the morning of Friday, March 2, police received a call from a woman who said an intruder had entered her house and that multiple shots had been fired. ….
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Španska policija uhapsila je člana grupe „Pink Panter“ crnogorskog državljanina Radovana Jelušića po poternici Crne Gore zbog izdržavanja kazne zatvora u toj zemlji, a za krivično delo počinjeno u Japanu.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
I mandagens sesongpremiere kan Åsted Norge presentere en fantomtegning av mannen som står bak det væpnede ranet av «Gullgalleriet» i Trondheim mandag 5. februar.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Roma, rapina in gioielleria: ladri messi in fuga da residenti e commercianti – Una banda di rapinatori ha provato a mettere a segno un colpo in una gioielleria situata in viale Marx a Casal de‘ Pazzi (Roma), ma le cose non sono andate come pensavano.
Risk Prevention & Consulting
Organised criminal gangs targeting affluent Asian households are using metal detectors to find where families have hidden their precious jewellery, it is suspected.