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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Italy breaks up Chinese crime ring involved in drugs, prostitution

FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) – Italy ordered the arrest of 33 people on Thursday on suspicion of running a Chinese mafia group involved in gambling, prostitution and drugs, and which dominated the transport of Chinese goods across Europe.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Investigation Highlights Miami’s Role in Turning ‘Dirty Gold’ Into ‘Clean Cash’

A new journalistic investigation reveals the inner workings of Miami’s dirty gold trade, which has helped powerful Latin American crime groups whitewash their criminal profits.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Ex-personal assistant charged with $1.2-million wine theft from top Goldman Sachs executive

A former personal assistant to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. Co-President David Solomon is accused of stealing more than $1.2 million worth of rare wine from his boss.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Hatton Garden jewellery heist gang told to repay millions

Prosecutors are seeking to recoup almost £14 million from the gang behind the Hatton Garden jewellery heist. The so-called diamond wheezers — John “Kenny” Collins, 77, Daniel Jones, 63, Terry Perkins, 69, Brian Reader, 78, and William Lincoln, 60, were given sentences of between six and seven years after the gang raided 73 boxes at the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company over Easter 2015 in Britain’s biggest burglary.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Men wanted in $2M jewelry heist at Sugar Land store

SUGAR LAND, Texas – Sugar Land police are looking for two men who they said got away with $2 million worth of jewels after they smashed display cases in a jewelry store. Surveillance video captured the men just before 12:30 p.m. on Jan. 10 inside Hutton`s Jewelry and Gifts in the 2700 block of Town Center Boulevard.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gesprengte Bankautomaten: Weniger Fälle, aber öfter Beute

Geldräuber haben 2017 in Baden-Württemberg weniger Bankautomaten gesprengt als im Jahr davor. Stuttgart. Das teilte das Landeskriminalamt in Stuttgart auf Anfrage mit. Allerdings stieg die Zahl der Fälle, in denen die Täter Beute machten. So kamen die Unbekannten im vergangenen Jahr in insgesamt zehn Fällen an das Geld heran …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Siracusa, operazione “Voragine”: sgominata la banda dei bancomat. Furti con escavatore da Villasmundo a Francofonte

A Villasmundo i Carabinieri finsero di non essere in caserma restando negli uffici al buio e in silenzio in attesa di intervenire

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapinarono, armati, una gioielleria di Francofonte nel 2016 immobilizzando il titolare: tre arresti

I malviventi fecero irruzione all’interno della gioielleria, immobilizzavano il titolare con del nastro adesivo alle braccia ed alla bocca, trafugando monili in oro, orologi ed oggetti preziosi, per un danno di circa 25.000 euro

Risk Prevention & Consulting

VIDEO: Así repelieron a asaltantes de joyería en Tlalnepantla

El pasado lunes se registró un intento de atraco a una joyería ubicada en la colonia Centro de Tlalnepantla con razón social “Maru” por parte de cuatro sujetos.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Le braqueur d’une bijouterie niçoise condamné à 10 ans en appel

Ramzi Khachroub a été condamné, mardi, à 10 ans de prison par la cour d’appel d’Aix-en Provence pour le braquage d’une bijouterie niçoise en septembre 2013 au cours duquel le commerçant avait tué le deuxième malfaiteur.