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Risk Prevention & Consulting

Man who allegedly stole $1.6M in gold flakes in NYC arrested in Ecuador; was reportedly deported 4 times

The man police say snatched $1.6 million worth of gold flakes from an armored truck in New York City in September was arrested Thursday in Ecuador, The Daily News reported. The report said Julio Nivelo, 53, was deported four times to Ecuador, …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Alibaba makes a bold move to fight fake goods

Alibaba is championing the fight against counterfeit merchandise. In a new alliance with international brands including Louis Vuitton, Samsung and Mars, Alibaba has created an anti-counterfeiting group. Called the Alibaba Big Data Anti-Alliance, the 20-member consortium of industry and …

Risk Prevention & Consulting

More than 10,000 Firearms Seized in Spain

On January 12-13, the counterterrorism units of Spain’s National Police in Madrid, Bilbao, Valencia and Gerona, with the collaboration of the European police agency Europol, carried out an operation within the framework of an investigation against the illicit trafficking of firearms.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Heist hit list of notorious ‘Hammer Gang‘ over past two weeks

The notorious “hammer gang” has struck six jewellery stores in KwaZulu-Natal in two weeks. At least five gang members‚ one armed with a pistol and four others‚ break into the store with hammers grabbing whatever they can before making their escape in a getaway car.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Gang of robbers on the run after ‘traumatic’ Melbourne jewellery store smash-and-raid

Police continue to search for five men responsible for yesterday’s violent daylight robbery of a Toorak Village jewellery store. (Video)

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Latvis prie Kauno įkliuvo su beveik 1,5 mln. vertės cigarečių kontrabanda

Muitinės pareigūnai naktį iš antradienio į trečiadienį Kauno rajone sulaikė krovininį vilkiką „Scania“, su pilna puspriekabe cigarečių kontrabandos.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Policija: didėja gyventojų pasitikėjimas ir atlyginimai

Lietuvoje auga gyventojų pasitikėjimas policija. Gyventojų apklausos rodo, jog ja pasitiki 75 proc. gyventojų. Klaipėdos apskrityje policija pasitiki 73 proc. Tad jos uždavinys šiemet – siekti Respublikos lygio. Gera žinia šalies policininkams – šiemet nuo liepos 1 d. pirminės grandies pareigūnų atlyginimas turėtų didėti iki 700 eurų, vidurinės – iki 850, vadovaujamos – iki 1 000 eurų.

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Rapine in sale slot, supermercati e benzinai del Veneto, banda sgominata: nove arresti

Rapine in sale slot, supermercati e benzinai del Veneto, banda sgominata: nove arresti „L’indagine dei carabinieri, denominata „Gitane slot“, ha portato a disarticolare una banda caratterizzata da una struttura ben organizzata che operava in più province venete“


Risk Prevention & Consulting

Foggia, sgominata banda che assaltava furgoni portavalori

La Polizia di Stato ha sventato l´assalto ad un furgone portavalori che sarebbe stato messo in atto sull´autostrada Adriatica A14 nel tratto compreso tra le province di Foggia e Barletta-Andria-Trani. Le indagini erano partite dall´assalto a un furgone portavalori, 

Risk Prevention & Consulting

Ladispoli, scoperta la banda del buco

LADISPOLI – Ladri in trasferta pronti a colpire fuori dai confini regionali. Ma sono stati scoperti e arrestati.